Monday, February 28, 2005

Twitchy Eyelids

I've been slack on blog updates recently due to having a huge workload to complete for a deadline that passed last Wednesday, and after going to bed at 3 a.m. and starting work again at 6 a.m. this morning, I'm sure you can imagine that slightly demented feeling I have weighing down my brain right now.

Nevertheless, there will be updates soon. There are plenty of things I still have to write.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Who the hell does this guy think he is?

02 Ken Livingston
Originally uploaded by ambroseneville.
Ken Livingston, elected Mayor of London.

This, the man who publicly accused the American administration of racism before war began in Iraq, now deems it entirely reasonable to refuse to apologise for repeatedly likening a Jewish Evening Standard reporter to a guard at a Nazi concentration camp, only months after playing host to the lunatic Islamo-fascist Al-Qaradawi

Why is this buffoon allowed to continue, ignoring the toothless Assembly every time he's asked to apologise for errors that, in the past, would have rightly brought down a politician?

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute

Cedric Bixler
Originally uploaded by ambroseneville.
A pre-release version of the next Mars Volta album, named Frances The Mute, has been in my possession for some weeks now, but only this morning did I realise just what a spectacular beast it is.

See Drowned In Sound for music filtered through words into a flask of hype, but believe me, when this thing comes out, it's going to be REALLY special and do what De-Loused in the Comatorium did for my 2003.

Neil, are you reading this?

Last Friday I was just trying to find anything written by my good friend, Neil, who writes for The Times newspaper. Running a search through Google brings up a result ranked currently at 7 (down from rank 3 last Friday) that reads "French pharmacy jar for venereal disease remedy Neil Fisher". Makes sense to me (!)

Try it for yourself by typing <"neil fisher" times online> into

Friday, February 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by ambroseneville.
I must say that I've been feeling a bit fragile today, following a fairly substantial session at a local pub with Richard last night. However, I do feel the need to let the world know that you can get a cointreau and lemonade at the Half Moon in Stepney for a mere £1.50. Excellent, Smithers, Excellent

The Naomi Awards

I kept hearing people yesterday who were asking each other (and me) whether I'd be watching the Brits. My reply was a resounding 'no', for the obvious reason that I'm not interested in an event to reward a load of people whose lifestyles and commodification of musical performance have been taking the mick out of the general public's bad taste and lack of cultural discernment for all of 25 years.

I was however, pleased to read that the Naomi Awards are still going strong, with Iain Lee (general teenage funnyman in an adult's body) presenting the flipside of this experience, and pointing out the uselessness of many of those who are deemed to have 'made it' in the music business.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Wasp T12 Speechtool

As I walked into Whitechapel tube station yesterday, I actually stopped and backtracked to read one of the billboards, regarding the Wasp T12 Speechtool. I'd seen the obnoxious seemingly teen-geared advert a few times already (and it somewhat reminded me of the horrible JD Sports Adverts branded around the "we got it they don't" message), but up until that point, I hadn't realised it was satire. Something from the text jumped out at me in the way it messed with the English language, and I immediately recognised it as the work of Chris Morris, of whom I'm a huge fan.

Have a look at the online version of the advert, pressaging the forthcoming Nathan Barley series (of fame). I don't want to try and demistify it in words, but it's a brilliant piece of work in the way it takes apart many of the unpleasant conventions that have entered into advertising, and the ugly desires that those adverts work on.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Feeling weary

I've been feeling a bit odd, all day today. I'm sure it's mainly due to lack of sleep, having kipped in the spare room at Luigi's for the sum total of 4.5 hours last night, but I also feel as though I may be on the verge of the 'flu. Anyway, before this becomes a melancholy-blog, I should probably write about something else.

I've been thinking recently that humour in the workplace is incredibly important, and probably something that most employers don't fully factor into their understanding of employee satisfaction. I don't mean some kind of cringe-worthy David Brent-style humour, but that kind of knowing camaraderie humour that you get after being in a job for a little while, where you have enough of a stock of common experiences, or at least enough shared adversity at being at the raw end of something mentalist. We used to have that here, but since the departures of a couple of my workmates around Christmas time, that release valve seems to have disappeared. That's not to say that my workmates aren't generally really nice people, but I just feel the pool of humour DNA has dried-up somewhat.

And yes, I keep telling myself. I know what has to be done.