Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tin Robot

Last night I met up for a drink with Freddy (drummer from Second Monday) who promotes gigs under the guise of Tin Robot Promotions. He's been looking for someone to help out with the shows, and the fact that I found out that Chris Simpson from Mineral/The Gloria Record was looking for a tour date down this way (and put Freddy onto it) has sort of led me into being involved in helping out with the promotions side of things on a trial basis. It's something I've often thought I'd like to do, but it really isn't something you can do on your own, so having an existing vehicle for promoting makes this all the more appealing.

I'm sure it's going to be hard work. Unforunately it transpires that I'll be in Mexico on the date on which we're booking Chris Simpson (who now plays solo under the name of The Zookeeper), which means that I'll both miss the gig and won't be able to play at it myself. Nevertheless, the opportunity to be involved in doing what I can to ensure that more people are exposed to really good music is impossible to pass up. I suspect I may get a taste for this. I've already compiled a list of UK bands that I'd want to book at some point, and that's not even considering the wealth of amazing underground talent that seems to be coming over from the US at the moment (like the Florida band, Tubers, who we played with a month or two back). I'm quite excited by the prospect of bringing slightly more unusual bands to Winchester, as well. I'll write more here as things unfold.

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