Thursday, September 02, 2004

On Holidaz

Hi everzone and anzone who maz be reading mz blog. Iäm currentlz in Bonn, in Germanz, and have decided to stick to a normal quertz lazout, ignoring this retarded German kezboard and the fact that several characters are in the wrong place. Itäs not that Iäve suddentlz started using some teen-text-speak or anzthing, God forbid.

Itäs been prettz good so far - we went to Maastricht the daz before zesterdaz, which is a surprisinglz lovelz citz. The people were reallz welcoming, and the food was excellent. I recommend it as a holidaz destination. Mz zoungest brother also delighted the bar-goers at the hotel we were stazing at bz plazing them some cheexz lounge piano. Alwazs goes down well, that.

Will post some pictures when I return to the UK.



Matt said...

funny how only the couple of different letters actually makes you sound more german..

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

reach around hump lurgy

Anonymous said...

reach around hump lurgy