Friday, February 04, 2005

Wasp T12 Speechtool

As I walked into Whitechapel tube station yesterday, I actually stopped and backtracked to read one of the billboards, regarding the Wasp T12 Speechtool. I'd seen the obnoxious seemingly teen-geared advert a few times already (and it somewhat reminded me of the horrible JD Sports Adverts branded around the "we got it they don't" message), but up until that point, I hadn't realised it was satire. Something from the text jumped out at me in the way it messed with the English language, and I immediately recognised it as the work of Chris Morris, of whom I'm a huge fan.

Have a look at the online version of the advert, pressaging the forthcoming Nathan Barley series (of fame). I don't want to try and demistify it in words, but it's a brilliant piece of work in the way it takes apart many of the unpleasant conventions that have entered into advertising, and the ugly desires that those adverts work on.


Anonymous said...

You can find a photo of the Poster in my blog. I walked past it a few times until the penny dropped.

Ambrose said...

Hi Connor, I checked out your Nathan Barley photo - your blog was the first place I'd seen one (certainly google image search doesn't yield anything!)

Sadly, I missed Nathan Barley this last Friday - was at a gig a mate was promoting in High Wycombe and my girlfriend, who'd considered recording it for me, forgot. I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD.