Monday, February 06, 2006

Dolly Mixtures

My feelings recently have been pretty mixed.

On the one hand, I'm really looking forward to living in Winchester, so that I can see Naomi much more often - this is going to be wonderful - but a part of me is also going to miss being in London, where I have quite a few friends, and where it's relatively easy to meet up with people. I don't actually know anyone at all from Winchester apart from Naomi and her family. I guess starting the second band I've had in my head for some time (and it's developed far enough as an idea that I actually have a bunch of potential names for it already) might be the answer to that. I certainly intend to keep coming back to Uxbridge for Action and Action stuff at weekends, but then I still need to make sure that I have something to interest me during the week as well.

The other reason I'm a bit nervy at the mo is that I don't yet have a job to go to in Winchester, and time is running out before I leave this one. I also have a great desire to achieve some things I've always wanted to do whilst in this post, and I don't exactly have loads of time to do those things either. I have an interview this week, so we'll see if anything comes of that, I suppose. Wish me luck.

And then there are things I've seen and heard in other people's lives recently that have upset me somewhat. A friend of mine who probably doesn't read this blog has recently seen the end of his marriage, which I happened to blunder onto in conversation, unknowingly. I know I can't fully grasp how he's feeling, but I have still been pretty down for the last week or so, having seen the terrible effect on him. It always upsets me when I'm told about friends' relationships ending, and I do believe that people are better off together than single, but I felt that this was particularly a awful case and I can truly feel a small part of that hurt on his behalf. Also, a workmate of mine is being put through the mill at the moment for other reasons. It's harrowing, and there's not a great deal anyone can do about it for now.

It's horrible feeling powerless.


Jack said...

All the best for your interview, Am. I have one of my own in London this Friday.

I hope you feel better about things soon. I know how it feels to be uncertain about the future, but I'm sure things will sort themselves out soon.

Chocolate Monkey said...

Am, even though I am not in London I am going to miss you when you leave.

All the best for the interview.

It feels like ages since we last spoke and hopefully we can remedy that soon.

Take care