Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Originally uploaded by ambroseneville.
Hooray! My arm is now free of its plastic tomb (pictured). I went to the hospital in Paddington this morning, and the same sarcastic South African bloke as dealt with me last time was there on hand to help remove the caste.

Interestingly, they used a small, lethal-looking circular saw to cut the plastic. I mentioned that I thought it looked quite dangerous, then he told me that it couldn't harm me. 2 minutes later he was boasting that it could cut into the bone very easily to a nurse he was helping to train. So much for patient reassurance!

Anyway, the main thing is that I can now shower without having to wrap my arm up in a towel, which will be great. I don't have that much movement in it yet, and I've been told I shouldn't lift any weights at the gym for about a month, but I'm still pretty happy. Well, apart from having hardly enough money to get through to pay-day on Monday and having quite important work-pressure until the end of Thursday....

1 comment:

Ambrose said...

I intend to get on the treadmill this Saturday or Sunday..... must..... exercise......