Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Alas Cricklewood, farewell

Originally uploaded by ambroseneville.
At the end of this week I'll be leaving my flat in Cricklewood behind to move to my new place in Whitechapel. There are several things I'll miss, and have to find replacements for. For a start, I'll need to find a new corner shop where I can walk in at 4 in the morning and say to them "oh look, you've stopped serving alcohol. Or have you?" with a sly wink. Then I'll need to find a local greasy spoon to compete with the Broadway Cafe where my favourite Turkish family have faithfully served me qual fry-ups and dependable, but wierdly-made, cups of tea for the last year or so. Ah, nostalgia, how I love thee!

[the image above comes from a blog connected to a totally different Cricklewood in America, but worth checking out nonetheless - just click the title to this post and it'll take you there]

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