Wednesday, August 11, 2004

THE Future

As a break from flippant, fatuous posts, I thought I would write something that diarises my thoughts a little bit more. After all, I always wear my heart on my sleeve in the 'real' world, so it probably won't hurt to do it occasionally here. I've been thinking about being 25. It's a juncture, and I now have the choice to acquiesce and accept fate and not push myself to do something amazing with my life, or I could grab this world by the throat and really achieve something. I'm just not sure what it is that I want and need to achieve yet. I sure as hell don't want to look back on my life forty or fifty years hence (assuming I live out that long) and think to myself "damn, if only I'd escaped inertia and at least *tried* to do something important". By the time I hit 30, it'll be too late to think like this, so I have under 5 years to actually do something. Everything so far has been a prelude.

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