Thursday, November 11, 2004

That special feeling of dread

I have long wrestled with my pathological fear of answering the telephone - and today has been no exception. When I hear a colleague answering the phone, then saying "oh yes, yes, I'll transfer you now", there's a second when I'm paralysed by the idea that this call might be put through to me. If it goes to somebody else in the office, I breathe a sigh of relief. If my phone does begin to emit its particularly shrill ringing, then I generally have to deal with someone on the other end who is either placing some demand on my already-stretched time, or is making some cheeky, unwarranted complaint. I end up dealing with a lot of ungrateful bastards day-to-day. Which is rewarding.

1 comment:

Ambrose said...

As if to prove my point, I just had the most obnoxious, arrogant POS ever to walk the earth on my phone, complaining about something that I had gone to huge trouble to do for his organisation (who are lucky enough to have been given a grant). Makes me bleeding sick!!