Thursday, July 28, 2005

Things I will do over the next 23 days

I am worried about my finances.

I have credit cards with mounting debts on them. I have two bank accounts with substantial overdrafts on them, and I am going to stuggle to make sure I have enough money in my overdraft for rent at the end of this month. The rent situation is always exacerbated by my pay day being the 20th of each month, and rent day being the 18th, meaning it's when I have least money in the month.

To this end, I am implementing various resolutions. These will be things I will be sure to achieve over the next 23 days in order to get closer to a situation of financial stability. By writing them here, I'll feel more publically accountable to actually get these things done, and I'm going to keep a record of how things progress on the blog.

1)Eat cheaply - in general, I'm going to set a limit of £2 per meal and see what can be achieved by eating at home, rather than takeaway.

2)No drinking until payday. Everyone knows how much I like drinking, but I'm going to keep this one properly for the next 23 days. It'll also be good for my health, so a double-winner there. Not drinking will help me...

3)Stay to an upper limit of £10 per day, and spend less than that if I can.

4)Sell some things on eBay. In particular, I have some Gamecube bongo drums that I don't want. I'll get rid of a few other items I have cluttering up my room also.

5)Participate in free, or already-paid-for leisure activities. The gym membership is stupidly expensive, so I'm going to start making good use of it. I also have a very good selection of Gamecube and Mac games that I should play more.

6)This one will remain a secret until I've actually done something about it.

However much overdraft money I have left on the 20th will be used to start paying off my credit card.

Here goes nothing.


Chocolate Monkey said...

I like that phrase for what you@ve done here- "publically accountable". I like it so much I may steal it for a blog topic if that's ok, as I know that I make certain things public knowledge to pressure me into taking a particular choice.

1) Very good idea- and you can eat incredibly well. Why not get down with a few shallots.

2) If there's one thing you like, it@s drinking. If struggling with this why not get a few people round and have a few beers in the house? Alcohol + friends + comforts of home = F.U.N.

3) Why not make a packed lunch or make a bit more dinner each evening to take in the next day as lunch?

4) I need to figure out how to eBay- I have so much junk to get rid of.

5) Gym... can't remember what that is but I am sure it@ll come back to me...

6) Now this I can't wait to hear!



Ambrose said...

Update: during my first day, I ate a bought sandwich for lunch (£1.80), 1l carton of orange juice from Tesco for 66p, and dinner comprised spaghetti hoops and a bread roll. Already had the roll, and the Heinz hoops were on special offer at 42p. Get in!

Also, I've already listed the first thing I don't need, on eBay.

Anonymous said...

Is number 6 sell your body to a fello Blogger for a copy of Technotronics - this beat is technotronic on CD and a pack of 10 Malborough lights.

Ambrose said...

Yes, Witcomb, that's right. That, or start a lesbian art gallery.

Anonymous said...

I love those bongos! Am, have you not yet met the queen of personal finance: Suze Orman? She's really helped me sort myself out financially and I recommend her to you pronto! Lots of what she says applies to the US but still great help! "The 9 steps to financial freedom" is great, as well as "The courage to be rich". She has just written a new one ("The Money Book for the Young Fabulous & Broke"), which I haven't been able to get hold of yet but which is aimed at people our age. No need to save up on drinking, pal (drinking suits you, yumyum...;-) Just invest those 10 Quid or whatever in her book and your financial future will look peachy and rosy! Lovely seeing you the other day. Big hug to you and the mrs! Pav x

Ambrose said...

Cheers Pav, I actually bought Alvin Hall's "What Not to Spend" a little while ago, but haven't exactly implemented it properly yet.

eBay update: my bongos sold for £20. Get in!

Anonymous said...
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