Friday, April 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by ambroseneville.
This weekend I'm going to Oxford (my favourite place in Britain) for the May Day celebrations, to catch up with both of my younger brothers, and to attend Naomi's concert at the Sheldonian Theatre. I'll hopefully be catching some bands tonight, as well.

I can't wait to get to Oxford. Without wishing to be nostalgic, I really love the city and all of the good friends of mine who are still there, and a big part of me misses the place. I think it's where I'd like to end up, eventually, and would be a good place to bring up children.


Ambrose said...

I went up with Luigi and one of his mates to go to the Wheatsheaf, one of my favourite little venues ever.

Unfortunately we missed the first two bands, but we caught Fell City Girl from Oxford who were really good, and sounded to me like Dive Dive with a bit more Mineral thrown into the mix.
Pretty wicked band, and I definitely want to see them again.

Anonymous said...

miss it, too!!! Let's move back. Love, P